What people are saying...
"Genuine and authentic -- you walk the nutrition/health walk, you prescribe only what you know and believe in, there isn't anything fake about you. 'Mo, you should totally do an enema because you need to get all that shit out of you and it doesn't hurt because I do it all the time!' Ha, that's truly authentic Gina. And pure love - nobody "loves" like you. When you are working and start to do your blessings, you become surrounded in a fuzzy glowing light. You can send love with your thoughts, heal with your words. I think it's why you are so coveted as a friend and so successful in your business. You’re real. And when you start wishing for other people’s spoken intentions, it all comes real because you ARE love. No body, nobody has that same gift." ~ Monique
"You are the most caring person I have ever known." ~ Sarah
"Gina, you radiate wellness of mind body and spirit. You glow with a life force that is very special to experience. :) "
~ Susan
" People wonder how I do it. How am I a successful career-woman, momma and wife? Gina. It’s Gina. Her amazing coaching and her lifestyle tweaks are my secret weapon. She has given me the specific self-care tools that I need (based on my constitution and inner nature) to go from feeling drained and decrepit … to luscious and inspired. She has lifted me up in the darkest of moments like a momma, sister and fairy godmother ALL-IN-ONE gently teaching me how to be healthy and beautiful, one homework assignment at a time. And she has used her decades of experience in the health and wellness field to take all the guesswork out of WHAT ACTUALLY works so that I can get back to enjoying my family, my marriage and my career. If you are yearning for a wise girlfriend, mentor and teacher.. if you wish your momma was there for you to comfort, love and support you back into health and confidence… Gina is your saving grace." ~ Natalie Olsen, Nats Numbers, @numerologychick
"Thank you for making such a difference in my life. When I follow your advice, I feel the very best that I have felt in a very long time. You have shown me how much control I have over my own health and well-being. I really appreciate all the time you spend guiding me to my own best. Thank you. You are truly a blessing to me." ~ Megan
"Really, you are just the kindest person I know. There hasn't been a time I didn't feel 150% confident knowing you knew exactly how to work with whatever "issue" I had going on. You are more than competent in areas outside of your direct profession, I have learned so much from you! Taking advice from you is a real life testimonial that you can take care of us, and living a life of health is possible! I love that I know you now as a real person with real problems and real solutions. It helps to make the advice and information you give feel more from the heart. Connecting on that level builds trust." ~ Caitlyn
"Talking to you about my problems comes easily and if I have any questions or doubts I know I can freely talk to you about them without feeling judged. You are always listening so attentively to everything I say, (and we know that sometimes I have a lot to share!) the fact that you listen to every word with such calm is so comforting and it makes me feel taken care of. I appreciate that you share your advice on life and nutrition in a way that is loving, caring and kind. I never once felt like you were pushing me to do something or that your tone was condescending. It has always come from such a beautiful place." ~ Jonna
"Your presence is NUMBER ONE! I remember a teacher sharing with me that "you can learn technique, procedure and have a brilliant mind, but it's your presence that is the most important thing".....you my dear Gina, have bucket loads of it!" ~ Jodi
"I feel like I can tell you about all of the things I have been doing that are not really the best for me or my body because you aren't going to judge me, lecture me or tell me I'm bad. You just take whatever it is and work from there. I feel safe to be honest. I appreciate that you will break things down to my level, educate me, and answer all my questions (even the silly ones). I know that sometimes people can be a little overwhelming with their needs, but you never make me feel like I'm intruding or bothering you -- I appreciate how available you are." ~ Lena
"You seem to understand without being told about what I need. You also seem to have this ability with others and in your own life. You know a lot about life and health, and lots of other things, but you accept me (and others) as they are and are there to support and help without judgement because you are a kind and loving person. As your patient I can feel this with very treatment and every time I interact with you. It even comes through your emails. You are truly a compassionate and loving person who genuinely cares for others, animals, the environment, etc, etc. I think you are fueled by this love - in your work and your life." ~ Carrie
“I have had the tremendous pleasure of being a client of Gina's for the past 6 years now. Gina has seen me through many life changes that have brought on a variety of physical symptoms. She has done so with grace, compassion and professionalism and she has brought much healing, peace and calm to my life. I have learned many life skills and have been able to make nutritional changes that have been easy to follow and amazing in the way they have made a positive impact in my life. I cherish my sessions with Gina and leave feeling as if I have done something great for myself...body and soul.” ~ Ginger
"Where do I begin…Gina has changed my entire life and through her wonderful work and nurturing I have been given the most precious gift, A Baby. Unable to conceive, Gina worked with my husband and me on nutrition, and with the aid of acupuncture we have been blessed with a beautiful baby girl. I am so grateful for all that Gina has done for me and my family. She makes me feel incredible." ~ Cindy
"You provide a safe haven for healing. When I spoke with you on the phone to schedule my first appointment I felt an immediate connection with you because of your caring voice and how you treated me. Your personality is bubbly but also very tender when caring for me. You continue to educate yourself and others by writing books on health and healing. I think it's wonderful that you're not stagnant in your practice and have a passion to not only heal but to teach people how to be healthy and live a healthy lifestyle." ~ Kristal
"I want to thank you for being so awesome to me and for me. You are literally the only person that has helped me in this long journey." ~ Nicole
“Gina Renee is gentle and intuitive. She listens to her client and her guidance system for the best possible results. She's kind and delightful with a tender touch. She is completely client centered! Her books are easy to read and full of great information. I love to listen to her radio and TV shows because she avoids all the confusion out there with differing theories and cuts through all the hype. She keeps me tuned up mentally and physically. I leave her floating out into the world again, feeling better and happier than when I came to see her. Thanks to Gina Renee, it's easy to be in the flow”. ~ Marjie
" You helped me so much when I was at rock bottom." ~ Gazala
"I sought the help of Gina Renee for some ongoing health problems that had been plaguing me for months. After western medicine had failed to help me, Gina Renee was able to tackle my health issues with ease and with confidence. I quickly recovered and have enjoyed an immense improvement in my overall well being. She far exceeded my expectations. I have recommended Gina Renee to several of my family and friends and have had positive feedback from all of them. I highly recommend her book to all women and highly recommend Gina Renee to anyone who is looking to improve their health in a holistic way." ~ Leah
"Not only do you do a great job listening taking time to listen to your clients about things that are going on in their lives that may in turn be impacting how they are feeling physically and emotionally, but you have also always been professional providing a clear understanding of what patients can expect and you handle yourself in a professional manner as well. I always feel like I am an important patient not just a patient among many." ~ Linda
“You are very caring and a very attentive listener. You always listen to my concerns, you provide your best solution (written down on a piece of paper or an email so I can actually remember it!) , and you follow up. You have strength in your convictions. You believe in your practices and you ‘walk the walk’. You do the research on the things that you believe in and those convictions are well placed. If I think about it from a practical stand point, you’ve been sticking needles in me, putting rocks on me, rubbing me with smelly oils, getting me to eat funny herbs, and getting me to drop things out of my diet that I really do love (McDonalds, Coke, etc.), for years and years, all because of the strength of your convictions!" ~ Sarah
"You are so powerful, such a healer, you too are a treasure. Thank you." ~ Robin
"You are always there to offer support and guidance, whether it be in person, by phone or email. I feel that you go above and beyond for your patients to try and alleviate their symptoms, at least you have for me, looking into my night sweats and different teas and oils I can use..what dedication! Your positive energy literally explodes out of you on some days..If I am ever in a frowny face when I come to see you, your bright smile and positivity always brightens my day (plus you have tons of energy in general!! I don't know how you do it!) If I had to pick just one more quality that I think really stands out, it is your generosity. You have given me a few different supplements to try, an eye mask and little goodies here and there when you could feel I was really in need of this or that...you are always willing to give to others and expect nothing in return. You are an amazing woman!!" ~ Ashleigh
I hope Gina never retires!" ~ Kriss
"OMG! What a work out I put myself through last night. I made sure my arms were flying out & I noticed at times my knees did not bother me! I think I forgot about being scared & danced my heart out, laughed, yelled, it felt great from the stressful day at work. You are the best Gina" ~ Lillian
"Gina Renee is an extraordinary healer who treats everyone she meets with compassion, kindness, gentleness, honesty, integrity, and an authentic concern for their wellbeing. She is an angel in the flesh. Her book Wellness for Women is loaded with valuable information for women who are interested in self-healing. It is an easy-to-read resource, well-laid out and informative. I highly recommend Gina to anyone who wants to improve vitality through natural healing. I also recommend her book, and I particularly like her recipes for cosmetics that can be made inexpensively without the chemicals found in most cosmetics. Great book and great author!" ~ Christina Grant, Ph.D. www.ChristinaGrant.com
“Gina, you are a treasured gift of healing and heart. I deeply encourage others to not wait in hopes that an emotional or physical something will pass. Do yourselves a favor. Seek out Gina Renee. She will expertly nurture you back to wellness!”
~ Ixchel Leigh www.IxchelLeigh.com
"Gina's healing sessions have become a must-have aspect of my life. I can relax and come back to center-no matter how chaotic life may seem. She is honest and upfront about what you can expect, and she does what she can to make sure you’re taken care of. Her calming, caring and generous spirit makes my appointments with her the highlight of my week. I emerge calm, confident and ready to tackle life. If you’re thinking about scheduling a session I’d highly encourage you to do so. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!" ~ Ileana
"You are genuinely caring and empathetic and have created a pleasant, comfortable, and safe atmosphere for your patients. You are knowledgeable, and easy to communicate with, and have a wonderful sense of humor." ~ Louise
"I was a skeptic. After six years of surgeries and treatments for a life-threatening illness, I didn't think someone with such a mangled body and crushed spirit could benefit from what Gina offers. When I met her, I was taking medicine to help me sleep and coffee to get me through my day. I was on an antidepressant yet I still cried all the time. I had night sweats, hot flashes, piercing headaches and it was all I could do to get my weary body out of bed in the morning. I was astounded that Gina was willing to work with me. Not only that, but she gave me a hug when I left her that first day. All was not hopeless after all. She really cared about me. I just needed to learn how to care about me, too. That first week, I actually slept through the night unassisted by drugs. Over the course of the next three months, Gina gently encouraged me to make some changes in my diet. I now think that they are so obvious, but at first I resisted. I switched to herbal tea, cut out white sugar and flour, learned to buy organic produce for my family, and spent time taking care of myself. I have also nearly finished weaning myself off the anti-depressant. Gina's combination of acupuncture and nutritional guidance was just what I needed after all these years of being in pain. My life is still complicated, but I actually enjoy getting out of bed each morning! I also look forward to seeing Gina. I feel that we are a great care team. I am a better me now. It is not an understatement to say that Gina helped me save my life. It is also not a coincidence that she has an angel on the gate of the entrance to her office." ~ Kirsten
"Gina Renee has been a positive force in reshaping and mentoring my path to healing physically and energetically. Her intuitive nature, vast knowledge in acupuncture and alternative methods of healing has had an everlasting impact on the quality of health I now enjoy. Gina has taught me strategies and encouraged me through the process of evolving my diet, thus resulting in a healthier lifestyle. Not only does she maintain a high level of professionalism, she has a sincere caring disposition that institutes trust, respect and admiration. If you are interested in finding alternatives to improving and managing your personal health, Gina Renee may be the one to help you discover your path." ~ Teresa
"I love the experience of Gina’s healing gifts! She has not only helped me with digestive problems and some nutritional guidance, but most importantly, each session helps free up blocked energy so that I am more in touch with my true self and my heart. After every session, I feel so light and peaceful. Gina's genuine, sweet and caring nature is so helpful along anyone's healing path. She provides a safe space for one to express whatever they need."
~ Heidi Dudley, D.C
“I'm a new listener to your (radio) shows and just wanted to say how much I am enjoying listening. I listen to a lot of talk radio including shows at http://www.hayhouseradio.com and I have to say that you are definitely a natural, Gina. I really like the information you present and I enjoy your upbeat style of communicating your knowledge! It's fantastic! I never thought to look up your archived shows until last week -- I've been missing out! You are a gem and I am so happy I have discovered your show.” ~ Corinne
"I appreciate your nutritional advice and the supplements you are able to recommend, and I always feel so relaxed after a session with you. You create a nurturing environment that is always clean and welcoming. You have a very caring nature, are supportive and seek in a multitude of modalities to offer the very best care and healing. You have helped me through back issues and concussions, through tiredness and exhaustion. Coming to see you I walk out feeling supported in all ways!!!"
~ I.L.