Here's an easy way to feel outrageously sexy....
Drink tea

Drinking tea is one of the easiest and most potent beauty rituals I know. I feel so incredibly nourished by these precious little leaves that infuse my water with their nutrient-rich magic. Herbal, green, black, oolong, red, white - I love them all.
Even when I can't seem to do anything else to nurture and take care of myself, I somehow always have the inspiration and motivation to boil water and pour it over some herbs or tea leaves.
And this simple act is like giving myself a warm hug. I make this tea for myself, alone. It is enough to remind me that I am loved and cherished and deserving of a bit of my own attention.
My girlfriend, Christina Grant, first taught me this method of making herbal infusions, passed down to her from herbalist Susan Weed. Christina loved nettle, dandelion and red clover. I love that combo and drink it often. I have experimented with other herbs over the years and now I use all sorts of herbs in all different combinations, but my favorite go-to herbs seem to be nettle, hibiscus, oat straw, lemon balm, red clover, dandelion, rose hips and chamomile. These are the herbs I find myself reaching for most often because they offer nutrients to calm the spirit, keep me juicy, sustain my energy and nurture my earthy feminine nature.
And want to know a secret? Drinking these beautiful, nourishing magic infusions makes me feel like a goddess. They are deeply nourishing and I can feel them give me a glow from the inside out.
Here is a recipe for my favorite go-to tea for everyday beauty and wellness. All I do is mix the loose herbs, place them in a mason jar, pour boiling water over the little leaves and up to the tippy top of the jar, screw on the lid and watch as the leaves unfurl and release their magic. I let the herbs steep for two or more hours, but usually overnight. Then I simply strain and drink, feeling the nourishment absorb deep into my cells, hydrating my skin, soothing my emotions and feeding my soul.
My Favorite Beau~tea
Nettle leaves
Lemon Balm
Red Clover
Pinch of stevia leaf (optional)
Use one heaping tablespoon of each loose herb per cup of water. Pour water just off the boil over the leaves and let sit overnight or until desired strength. Strain before drinking, you can use a tea sachet, if you prefer. Enjoy room-temperature, heated or chilled.
(I prefer this tea cold in summer and during winter, I often substitute dandelion for the hibiscus.)

Enjoy and feel comforted, nurtured and beautiful.